L’Open Access Week 2014 en Allemagne #OAWeek | Digital Humanities à l'IHA

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-10-26


[From google's English] " ... The TIB / UB , the National Library of Science and Technology (also library of the University of Hannover) participates in the Open Access Week with various events . On October 21, she suggested a workshop on applications of the institutions that fund research. A second workshop, October 22, was devoted to the impact of scientific (index h). It was to consider the influence of open access publications. The University of Lüneburg , in turn, presents its activities in the field of open access. At a workshop entitled 'Why Open Access Matters', participants discussed strategies of free access to the university, including the database 'Pure .' And that's it. At least on the official website of the International Open Access Week these two institutions are the only ones proposed events for this week ..."



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Date tagged:

10/26/2014, 18:53

Date published:

10/26/2014, 14:26