Results of the Second PeerJ Author Survey - PeerJ Blog 2014-11-30


"It is nearly two years since we began publishing PeerJ articles since our launch in February 2013, and with the recent announcement that PeerJ is to be included in the Web of Science we felt it would be a good time to take stock and conduct another Author Survey to see how we are doing (the first one was conducted in Sept 2013). On November 3rd 2014, a survey invitation was sent to every corresponding author who had received a final decision (of any type - including rejections) since Sep 5th 2013 through Oct 31st 2014. We had a 51% response rate which is a very good response rate for a survey of this nature. The survey closed on November 12th 2014. We are thrilled to find that almost every single metric has been improved upon since last year’s survey which we believe is validation of the quality of our publishing process. The headline finding is that (quite literally) 100% of published authors would recommend that their colleagues submit to PeerJ, which is up from 94% in our first author survey ..."


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11/30/2014, 11:01

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11/30/2014, 06:01