Taylor & Francis Online :: A Report on the Use of Open Access Podcasting in the Promotion of Social Work - Australian Social Work -

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-03-03


"Open access podcasting or podcasts on the internet on specific disciplinary topics are gaining prominence but are not well researched. This paper explores the usefulness of a new podcast series for social workers freely available on the internet that aims to: promote the profession of social work and contribute to a social work identity; make connections between theory, research, and practice; introduce students to real-life practice issues much earlier than often occurs in undergraduate degrees; and provide practitioners with opportunities for ongoing professional development. The evaluation was based on social media and website statistics, a survey of 22 students and nine educators, and a content analysis of listener feedback. While the evaluation provided limited evidence that all the aims had been met, the findings revealed very positive attitudes towards the initiative."



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Date tagged:

03/03/2015, 07:32

Date published:

03/03/2015, 02:31