Der Fall Elsevier – „…keine andere Erklärung als Gier“ Universitätsbibliothek der HSU : Blog HSU-BlogHSU-Blog 2015-03-12


"The Technical University of Munich (in mathematics) in 2012 and the University of Konstanz (2014) have done it, even the Dutch universities were in November 2014 worldwide sales and "rebuffed" the most profitable academic publisher with its price demands - and now the University of Leipzig , Library Director Ulrich Johannes Schneider in the FAZ from 02.27.2015 to failure of the negotiations: 'It was because of the excessive price demands of Elsevier. We just did not get a satisfactory offer for a new contract.'  Specifically, it is in Leipzig for access to the 300 titles of journals subscribed pact on the concrete volume price unfortunately is not known. Furthermore but must not be spoken, libraries always good sign the non-disclosure agreement - as recently as part of the national licensing negotiations of Baden-Württemberg with Springer-Verlag ..."


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Date tagged:

03/12/2015, 10:27

Date published:

03/12/2015, 08:49