Archivalia: Nur 12 % der wissenschaftlichen Fachartikel ist über den grünen Weg Open Access zugänglich 2015-04-13


[From Google's English] "The new study, to me Richard Poynder pointed out, shows that despite all OA policies as they propagate Harnadianer (Harnad is co-author) tirelessly, the yield of Institutional Repositories is pitifully small. Examines Journal Articles 2011-2013 were in Web of Knowledge. 77% was not included in the IR. 8% (of the total) are only present as metadata. 3% are dark deposits (restricted access). To see them This means for the IR content (division of 23%): 100 articles that are available there are about 52 of cost as OA full text, 35 are just as metadata, and 13% are dark deposits. This way also means: 50%. Not Full Text Müllen the Search for eg BASE Of the 4240 articles in WoK the University of Liege are only 37% Open Access, 50% are Restricted acccess. institutions without a mandate are significantly different from those with mandate. In the former, the percentage of non-set items is 90%, OA is only 3%. The necessity of mandates were of Harnad et al. grounds that they could so significantly increase the scheduled approximately 25% spontaneous deposit rate. But if even with long-established mandates end up only about 25% of the articles in IRs, something is wrong in this earlier argument."


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Date tagged:

04/13/2015, 09:43

Date published:

04/13/2015, 07:22