Altmetric and the NISO altmetrics initiative – Altmetric 2016-03-14


"Back in 2013 I wrote a blog post mentioning that NISO was bringing together interested parties to try to define some standards around altmetrics – what they mean, how they can and should be used etc. At the time I was a bit skeptical that it wouldn’t be too much of a distraction but we definitely wanted to be involved. Over the past year or so – after some preliminary scoping work led ably by Martin Fenner – we split into three groups to help define data quality, use cases and output types & identifiers. Our Product Manager Jean joined the use cases group while I joined the data quality one (the third group is looking at identifiers and output types, I believe). I’m pleased to say that the first output from the project is out: a draft code of conduct for altmetrics providers & aggregators. It’s available for comment on the NISO site and we’ve already signalled our full support. It lays out three sensible principles for altmetrics data ..."


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Date tagged:

03/14/2016, 15:08

Date published:

03/14/2016, 11:08