Training on Open Science in the European Research Area | Toulouse University - Higher Education and Research in Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées 2016-04-30


[From Google's English] "Open Science Describes the on-going transitions in the way research is Performed, Researchers Collaborate, knowledge is shared, and science is Organised. It is driven by digital technologies, the globalization of the scientific community, and the need to address major societal challenges. The acceptance of Open Science practices varied from one discipline to Reviews another and not all-have Researchers la même to skills adapted to this change. In order to address this skills gap specific training for Researchers and academics Addressing key skills Fostering the Culture of Open Science will be supported. Proposed Actions must be avocation at training stakeholders with a view to Permitting em and / or Their Organizations to Implement fully the practical aspects of open science. Stakeholders include academic staff (train the trainers approach), In Particular young scientist During Underwood and postgraduate training, goal aussi policy-makers and staff working in funding bodies ..."


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Date tagged:

04/30/2016, 08:10

Date published:

04/30/2016, 04:10