A commentary on Sci-hub: 2/n. Why it matters to me and ContentMine | petermr's blog
abernard102@gmail.com 2016-05-02
"In my previous post , catalyzed by Sci-Hub, https://blogs.ch.cam.ac.uk/pmr/2016/04/30/a-commentary-on-sci-hub-1-scholarly-publishing-is-broken/ I argued that scholarly publishing is completely broken. It’s now lost a huge amount of respect, it’s unwieldly, unfair and mired in bickering. It pays no attention to readers. It’s becoming a write-only system where authors write not to communicate but for glory - self advancement. There’s no clear political goal … … and no clear technological goal. And that’s the problem. Because we desperately need the ability to search and analyze the scientific and medical literature in a 21stC manner ..."