Is This Research Readable? 2012-07-13


Use the link to access the new website for Is This Research Readable, pitched during the Developer Challenge at OR2012: 7th International Conference for Open Repositories. “The Pitch ... Libraries no longer have the luxury of purchasing subscriptions to journals - they purchase 'Bundle A' and 'Bundle C' of journals and the details of these bundles aren't open. While there has been a push for Open Access and publication to institutional repositories, the defacto identifier is the DOI. DOIs often link only to the publisher version, and this version may require a subscription and be behind a paywall. The only way to find out the true accessibility of these DOIs is to test access on a representative random sample and tally up who can read what research, from where and how much it would cost to read if it is hidden behind a paywall. Click on the link below and try it - tell us whether the link worked, whether you can read the page and get the article itself and where you tried to read it from.” Video presentations made at the conference can be seen at . “After two days of coding, reflecting and cogitating, entrants to the DevCSI Open Repositories 2012 Developer Challenge presented their final pitches in front of our panel of judges and an enthusiastic audience yesterday evening.”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »

Tags: oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.libraries oa.prices oa.budgets oa.dois oa.crowd 
 oa.crowd oa.presentations



Date tagged:

07/13/2012, 15:18

Date published:

07/13/2012, 15:41