OKFN Open Scientific Data Journal - ideas.okfn.org

abernard102@gmail.com 2012-07-16


[From the Ideas Incubator at OKFN] “A recently conducted a survey asked people in research about their readiness to make data freely available. The results were not very uplifting: about 10% of the respondents would share openly, some with a password (30%), the majority won't share at all. We believe that publishing open scientific data should be tied to the notion of a journal/publication because people sitting on valuable datasets will rarely make then available unless they feel it's in the form of a ‘real’, citable publication. We propose the creation of an online journal by the OKFN that allows people to publish articles describing their open datasets, along with methodology for creation, intended applications, or other information useful for researchers who would potentially reuse the data. In most research articles, the dataset is provided as supplemental material, if at all. Here it would be at the core of the publication, while methodology, applications, etc. are supplementary.”




08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

07/16/2012, 21:07

Date published:

07/16/2012, 21:52