Scholars, don’t disregard Wikipedia. Become Wikipedia 2012-07-26


Use the link to access the Google translation (from Italian to English) of the blog post opening as follows: “In March 2012, the open access journal PLoS Computational Biology has made the ' experiment to publish, in the normal, an article encyclopedic style, but committing to load a version on the English Wikipedia. The academics are suffering from a peculiar schizophrenia or, rather, a ' idiocy specialized. We all know, with Weber, that our individual contributions are intended to be overcome, and in our research we use without restraint of collective works such as Wikipedia. When it comes, however, contribute, we act as if the label of our Ashes urn professor ran out the meaning of our life, we tend, therefore, to ‘publish’ in the most expensive and less popular, but in able to brand our products with our individuality. PLoS provides a remedy to this contradiction: the journal has the trappings of peer review traditional and remains bound to its author, while the version given to Wikipedia, collectivized, can be processed in the usual ways of the free encyclopedia. In the long term, a side effect of this operation will be the chance to see how, what and why the collective version will differ from that individual. The auctores old - from Homer to Pythagoras , from Hippocrates to the same Plato - founded knowledge communities only diluting the individuality of their own and others, the computer revolution, in contrast, making easy the fork ,  allows authors to remain at the same time in one direction Modern and aspire to become auctores old ...”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

07/26/2012, 17:11

Date published:

07/26/2012, 17:47