Planet Open Knowledge Foundation 2012-07-31
"The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (D/PER) and Open Knowledge Ireland wants to invite you to take part in its Open Data Initiative Workshop on Monday 17th of November at 6pm, at the Guinness Enterprise Center, Taylor’s Lane, Dublin 8.
The Active Workshop aims to drive forward the Open Data Strategy, led by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (D/PER). On September 8th, this department held a public meeting on open data in Ireland. During the exchange of ideas generated by all participants in the meeting, it became clear that the demand for open data needs to be catalysed by creating real life examples of open data in Ireland that are useful for the general public and answer real questions.
The idea for this workshop is to create 5+ real life examples of Open Data in Ireland being put in use and made helpful ..."
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