Code as a research object: a new project | Mozilla Science Lab 2013-12-13


"Part of the Science Lab’s mission is to work with other community members to build technical prototypes that move science on the web forward. In particular, we want to show that many problems can be solved by making existing tools and technology work together, rather than by starting from scratch.The reason behind that is two-fold: (1) most of the stuff needed to change behaviors already exists in some form and (2) the smartest minds are usually outside of your organization. Our newest project extends our existing work around 'code as a research object', exploring how we can better integrate code and scientific software into the scholarly workflow. The project will test building a bridge that will allow users to push code from their GitHub repository to figshare, providing a Digital Object Identifier for the code (a gold standard of sorts in science, allowing persistent reference linking). We will also be working on a 'best practice' standard (think a MIAME standard for code), so that each research object has sufficient documentation to make it possible to meaningfully use. The project will be a collaboration of the Science Lab with Arfon Smith (Github; co-founder Zooniverse) and Mark Hahnel and his team at figshare ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.best_practices oa.figshare oa.github oa.dois oa.mozilla oa.code

Date tagged:

12/13/2013, 20:58

Date published:

12/13/2013, 15:58