UI Libraries Join Knowledge Unlatched to Support Open Access Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences - The University of Iowa Libraries

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-12-14


"The University of Iowa Libraries has signed up to support Knowledge Unlatched, a collaborative initiative to make scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences available open access. Knowledge Unlatched uses a model that brings library funds together to a set of books that academic publishers have agreed to make open access with a Creative Commons license ... The first collection of books in this pilot collection cover History, Political Science, Literary Studies, Anthropology and Communications  [The full title list is here]. This project is the first of its kind and is expected to pave the way for more scholarly books to be freely available online without the usual licensing restrictions of eBooks. If 200 libraries sign up by January 31st, these books will be 'unlatched' and future collections will be expected to emerge in 2014 ..."



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Date tagged:

12/14/2013, 07:24

Date published:

12/14/2013, 02:24