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- 77599
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- 18196
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- 394
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- 380
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- 269
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- 223
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- 218
- 218
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- 213
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- 209
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- 197
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- 195
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- 188
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- 186
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- 185
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- 133
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- 104
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- 104
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- 101
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- 96
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- 94
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- 87
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- 86
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- 86
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- 85
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- 85
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- 83
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- 76
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- 74
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- 74
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- 70
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- 70
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- 68
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- 68
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- 68
- 68
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- 59
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- 56
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- 55
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- 54
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- 51
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- 47
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- 45
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- 43
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- 39
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- 38
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- 38
- 38
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- 38
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- 37
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- 37
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- 34
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- 34
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- 32
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- 32
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- 31
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- 31
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- 30
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- 29
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- 29
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- 28
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- 28
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- 28
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- 27
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- 27
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- 27
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- 26
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- 26
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- 25
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- 25
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- 25
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- 24
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- 23
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- 23
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- 23
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- 23
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- 22
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- 21
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- 21
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- 20
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- 20
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- 19
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- 18
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- 18
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- 18
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- 17
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- 17
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- 17
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- 17
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- 16
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- 15
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- 15
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- 14
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- 14
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- 14
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- 14
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- 13
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- 13
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- 13
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- 13
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- 13
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- 12
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- 12
- 12
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- 12
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- 12
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- 12
- 12
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- 12
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- 12
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- 11
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- 11
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- 10
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- 10
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- 10
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- 10
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- 10
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- 10
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- about 10
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- 10
- 10
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- 9
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- 9
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- 9
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- 9
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- 9
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- 9
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- 9
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- 8
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- 8
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- 8
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- 8
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- . 8
- 8
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- 8
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- 8
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- 7
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- 7
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- darwin 7
- 7
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- s 7
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- 7
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- philpapers 7
- oa.u.victoria 7
- 7
- oa.colorado.u 7
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- locus of deposit 7
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- 6
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- w 6
- 6
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- harvesting 6
- oa.doaj 6
- oa.access_crisis 6
- digital humanities 6
- publishing lobby 6
- 6
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- m 6
- technologies 6
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- 6
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- 6
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- 6
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- 6
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- 6
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- a 6
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- oa.aall 6
- oa.odc 6
- p2pu 6
- n 6
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- zombies 6
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- 6
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- i 6
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- o 6
- oa.paperity 6
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- 6
- e 6
- 6
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- 6
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- institute for open leadership 6
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- oa.wikimedia_enterprise 6
- oa.einstein_foundation 6
- 5
- oa.repositories.etds 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- computer science 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- l 5
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- g 5
- scholarly 5
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- oa.scholarly publishing 5
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- oa.wikipedia_library 5
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- d 5
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- oa.texas_state.u 5
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- houghton report 5
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- positive agenda 5
- oa.ntis 5
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- 5
- oa.chalmers.u 5
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- arts 5
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- licenses 5
- communication 5
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- oa.bluesky 5
- 5
- online courses 5
- 5
- legal licensing & copyright 5
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- 5
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- " 5
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- & 5
- 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- p 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- springer 5
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- 5
- romeo 5
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- 4
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- 4
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- working 4
- 4
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- philip m davis 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- t 4
- / 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- eu 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- r 4
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- science magazine 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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