Cancer Moonshot℠ Public Access and Data Sharing Policy - National Cancer Institute

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-15


"Consistent with the critical goals of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Cancer Moonshot℠ to accelerate cancer research by enhancing data sharing and making evidence-based approaches to cancer therapy more broadly available to patients, NCI recognizes that the full value of NCI-Supported Cancer Moonshot Research Projects can only be realized if Publications and Underlying Primary Data (as defined below) are disseminated as promptly and broadly as possible. Much of the urgency highlighted by the Cancer Moonshot and in the Blue Ribbon Panel’s recommendations to the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) in 2016 emphasizes that the rapid availability of cancer publications and the primary data behind it promotes dissemination of new knowledge, enhances reproducibility, and accelerates the ability of researchers to build upon cancer research to make new discoveries.

Through the Cancer Moonshot Public Access and Data Sharing Policy (the "Policy"), NCI seeks to create an infrastructure that addresses the recommendation of the Blue Ribbon Panel’s Enhanced Data Sharing working group to the NCAB that researchers, clinicians, and patients collaborate in sharing their collective data and knowledge about cancer to accelerate progress towards improving cancer outcomes. The NCAB subsequently accepted this recommendation and recommended it to the NCI...."



08/15/2019, 11:50

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Date tagged:

08/15/2019, 15:50

Date published:

11/15/2018, 10:50