Orpheus, an Open Source solution for journal policies | Unlocking Research

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-04-30


"As anyone who administers an institutional repository can tell you, repeatedly looking up journals’ policies and attributes is a pain in the neck. We have discussed this problem a few times, noting in 2017 the complex embargo situation and the confusion about publication dates. Indeed it has been clear since 2013 that this is so complicated it is unrealistic to expect researchers to navigate this situation. This means considerable amounts of repository staff time are typically spent traversing a confusing landscape of complex, inconsistent and fluid policies.

To stop or at least mitigate this pain, wouldn’t it be great if those policies and attributes were available in a structured, machine-readable format, so that the burden of retrieving and using such information could be transferred from people to repository software?..."




04/30/2020, 06:47

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

04/30/2020, 10:47

Date published:

01/22/2019, 05:47