Now Is Not The Time For Publishers to Go After Online Libraries: Hachette Book Group, Inc. v. Internet Archive - The Temple 10-Q

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-04-09


"Nothing better promotes the progress of science and the arts than access to knowledge, especially during a global pandemic. COVID-19 has highlighted how our society has changed in the past few decades and how much it needs to change in the decades to come. As schools and workplaces, law firms included, went partially or completely remote, connectivity and access to online resources became more important than ever. It is in this environment that several publishers chose to bring litigation against Internet Archive (IA) in Hachette Book Group, Inc. v. Internet Archive

Open Library is a non-profit digital library founded by IA that offers online access to more than 1.3 million books that it has digitized into a PDF format. Operating under the Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) model, Open Library lends out only as many books as it has physical hardcopies of. Essentially, the basis of CDL is that a book must be owned to be loaned.  ..."


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Tags: oa.litigation oa.open_library oa.copyright oa.usa oa.nel oa.humanitarian oa.objections oa.debates oa.aap oa.hatchett_book oa.harpercollins oa.wiley oa.penguin_random_house oa.cdl oa.internet_archive

Date tagged:

04/09/2021, 11:49

Date published:

04/09/2021, 07:49