Octopus.ac One Year In

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-15


"Octopus.ac launched almost a year ago, slightly quietly because we wanted to add features and smooth out wrinkles with our user groups before we were fully ready for the world. Now we’re coming to crunch point: we need early adopters to start using it. Because every publication in Octopus is linked to another, we ‘pre-seeded’ Octopus with research topics and problems to act as a kind of skeleton on which the living coral reef of publications can grow – but we need researchers’ help now to start publishing ‘real’ work on the platform.

As I talk to researchers about it, I find there are often three main reasons for hesitation. I hope that here I can address each one: ..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

09/15/2023, 08:39

Date published:

09/15/2023, 04:39