Education for All: OpenStax's Journey and Impact
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-17
"At OpenStax, we are driven by a clear and powerful mission: to improve educational access and learning for everyone. Rooted in the belief that education is a public good, we strive to offer products, innovative research, and services that benefit educators and learners worldwide. Our approach is simple but impactful—we listen to the needs of the educational community, secure philanthropic support and community donations for funding, and embark on a rigorous development process.
Since our inception, OpenStax has grown to offer an impressive range of 65 textbooks, a testament to our commitment to providing comprehensive learning materials. Since our first textbook launch in 2012, we've already saved more than 36 million students an astounding $2.9 billion. This past school year, more than 7 million students utilized OpenStax materials...."