P2P Foundation joins the FTA

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The FTA [Free Technology Academy] is proud to announce the incorporation of the Foundation for P2P Alternatives (P2P-F) to its Associate Network. The P2P-F is the organisation behind the most extensive research platform on peer production topics around the world....The P2P-F will contribute to the FTA in various ways, such as providing Guest Lectures to FTA courses and communicating FTA news through their networks. Feedback is expected on course materials, and advise and help with improving the FTA curriculum. One particular joint project the P2P-F will be working on together with the Free Knowledge Institute is the development of a course on "Peer Production and Commons Theory". ..."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 16:16

Date published:

09/29/2010, 10:00