Netflix Says Canadians Are Way Better At Avoiding Spoilers Than Blabbermouth Americans

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-09-22


Makes sense, eh?

It's official: When it comes to honouring the sanctity and secrecy of TV and movies, you can always trust a Canadian.

It's official: When it comes to honouring the sanctity and secrecy of TV and movies, you can always trust a Canadian.

In a recent Netflix study, Canadians are TWICE as likely to avoid spoiling a TV plot for others. The survey, conducted for Netflix by Leger Marketing, said that just 11 percent of Canadian viewers considered it appropriate to freely reveal spoilers a day after a show first airs, while 22 percent of Americans thought it was OK to do.

But why? Netflix says Canadians, by nature, are more considerate.

But why? Netflix says Canadians, by nature, are more considerate.

Canadians are able to talk about spoilers “with a certain delicacy … and they are accommodating with one another with a fine touch when it comes to social interactions,” says Grant McCracken, a Vancouver native and cultural anthropologist.

Americans, on the other hand...

Americans, on the other hand...

McCracken says: “Americans, in maybe that characteristically American way… get to that diplomatic moment, they start to code things (during conversations), but they go, ‘This is stupid, let’s let fly’ and it’s up to the spoilee to protect themselves."

So if you've had a plot completely ruined by a negligent American, there's an easy fix!

So if you've had a plot completely ruined by a negligent American, there's an easy fix!

We're here for you.

Or, at the very least, if we ever spoil anything, we will incessantly apologize.

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09/22/2014, 14:51

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09/22/2014, 14:30