ELPUB 2017

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-11-01


"ELPUB 2017 continues the tradition, and brings together scholars, publishers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. ELPUB 2017 has a fresh look on the current ecosystem of scholarly publishing including the positioning of stakeholders and distribution of economic, technological and discursive power. ELPUB also opens the floor for emerging alternatives in how scholars and citizens interact with scholarly content and what role dissemination and publishing plays in these interactions. Questions to be raised include: What is the core of publishing today? How does agenda setting in emerging frameworks like Open Science function and what is the nature of power of the referring scholarly discourses?"



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Date tagged:

11/01/2016, 17:31

Date published:

11/01/2016, 13:31