Generalists, Data Miners, Lotteries, Comedy, Open Access and the Future of Science in Canada

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-11-15


"In fact, CSPC 2016 spent more than its fair share of time assessing the context of science and how to push scientific facts and discoveries into the broader public awareness through the development of useful public and science policy.

It included sessions on evidence based decision making (a program, practice, or policy grounded in the best available research and relevant contextual evidence), building open access science portals (using research free from restrictions on access and use), utilizing science diplomacy (scientific collaborations among nations to address common problems and to build constructive international partnerships), mentoring the next generation of scientific talent and understanding Canada's new innovation agenda, at least as outlined by the currently governing Federal Liberal party."


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Tags: oa.awards oa.canada oa.people oa.notes oa.stem

Date tagged:

11/15/2016, 16:06

Date published:

11/15/2016, 11:06