The rising tide of preprint servers - INLEXIO

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-01-11


"Progress in any industry can have a habit of sneaking up on those within it. Changes that were once new, unknown and even derided become a standard part of the seascape. It’s possible that we are seeing this phenomenon with preprint servers – online repositories that host articles before their publication in a peer-reviewed journal. They promise an instant audience, large or small (and growing)."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.preprints oa.repositories.disciplinary oa.disciplines oa.history_of oa.growth oa.arxiv oa.biorxiv oa.socarxiv oa.agrixiv oa.deposits oa.dois oa.citations oa.versions oa.repositories

Date tagged:

01/11/2017, 14:11

Date published:

01/11/2017, 09:11