The biggest threat to open access is a closed Internet | Savage Minds

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-04-28


"The fundamental premise of open access is that information should be free to all. Open access is fundamentally threatened if Internet access is priced out of the range of most people, or censored. In this age of fake news and made up facts, open access to information is more important than ever. And yet changes to net neutrality could pull the rug right out from underneath our feet. Open access requires net neutrality. Period."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.obstacles oa.wiley oa.publishers oa.advocacy oa.comment oa.net_neutrality oa.legislation oa.government

Date tagged:

04/28/2017, 09:52

Date published:

04/28/2017, 05:52