Aaron Swartz and the Price of Information | OSA Archivum

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-12-01


"Blinken OSA awards a fellowship each year either to an unconventional technology expert early in his/her career, or a scholar or activist working at the intersection of humanities, social sciences and technology studies or technological solutions. The fellowship is principally intended for those, with or without degree, who have strong practical skills in developing technological tools to make knowledge and data broadly available to the public; who have an interest in challenging information management practices in libraries and archives; who are ready to contribute to building innovative visual taxonomies or catalogs based on unorthodox ideas; and who can challenge the control of information by governments and publishers to promote civil liberties and online activism."



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Date tagged:

12/01/2017, 09:19

Date published:

12/01/2017, 04:19