RIED: The academic production on open educational resources in Portuguese / La producción académica en portugués sobre recursos educativos en abierto

lterrat's bookmarks 2016-12-15


"Open Educational Resources (OERs) have led to a new outlook on the circulation and production of educational content in print and digital forms. OERs have become an important element in the search for emerging and sustainable models for education, including initiatives such as open textbooks. In spite of its increasing popularity around the world, we still know little with regard to the academic production around OERs. This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the Portuguese-language production on OERs published until May 2015 and gathered from multiple databases and journals. The study presents a thematic analysis of the identified works and their association networks for institutions, and provides a critical outlook regarding academic production for OERs in Portuguese. The study aims both to contribute to the visibility of works published in less-prominent languages in academia such as Portuguese and to boost collaboration between authors who often discuss similar aspects of OERs but might be unaware of others working in similar areas of interest."



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Date tagged:

12/15/2016, 18:00

Date published:

12/15/2016, 13:00