Supporting the Commons: Opportunities in the EU policy landscape | P2P Foundation

lterrat's bookmarks 2016-12-22


"Major fault lines are starting to appear in the dominant worldview based on individualism, private ownership and an atomistic, rational society. Although science has moved away from this mechanistic, industrial age worldview to a more holistic outlook based on networks, relationships and systems, this paradigm shift has barely been acknowledged in politics, economy and law. The predominant discourses that permeate political discussions in the EU are economic growth, competitiveness and efficiency – considerations that tend to trump everything else. The lion’s share of EU policy focuses on macro-economic indicators and the promotion of large commercial considerations. Citizens are often viewed in a uni-dimensional way – simply as entrepreneurs or consumers."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


Date tagged:

12/22/2016, 15:51

Date published:

12/22/2016, 11:00