Maricopa Millions: $9 M and Still Going | Maricopa Millions

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-03-29


"The goal of the Maricopa Millions project is to radically decrease student costs by offering LOW COST or NO COST options for course materials. Courses designated as NO COST will have no additional cost to the student beyond fees associated with tuition. These might include OER, licensed online resources purchased by the MCCCD for student access, etc.

Well into the 4th year, Maricopa has saved students over $9,000,000. We love typing all those zeros. Although we haven’t officially updated our goal to $10 million, we should easily meet that by the end of year 5.

Each semester, the Maricopa Millions projects issues a call for proposals for grants for faculty to find, adapt, and create OER course materials for their courses. The current rubric is weighted towards high enrollment classes, to make the greatest impact for students. Faculty who are awarded the grants are funded for three main tasks: (1) training in OER, (2) development of their OER course materials, and (3) piloting the materials."


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Date tagged:

03/29/2017, 15:07

Date published:

03/29/2017, 11:07