Forum ROMANum : [ #bildung ] Öffnet endlich die Bücher!

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-03-29


From Google Translate: "For Vorarlberg, the misery is particularly evident and, in the case of the already badly international international results for Austria, we also form the last car with the red lantern. 

The reasons are as diverse as the programs and ideological issues. And always the criticism is directed to Vienna, to a ministry, to the government or legislators and parties. So many problems are simply homemade and we could regulate here in the country.  Finally open the books. Why, I ask, the taxpayer-financed lectures and lectures of the two Vorarlberg mini-universities (Fachhochschule, Pädagogische Hochschule, Schloss Hofen) not available in the form of OpenAcces documents? Why are the preparations, school workplaces, from compulsory schools to secondary schools not put online for children, parents and lifelong learners?

The future schools will be schools without walls, so virtually virtual. And to provide the citizens with this learning material, which they already paid, would be far more than just a noble duty, it would be a location advantage of Vorarlberg and a model that does not really cost anything. And it would be future-oriented. "


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Date tagged:

03/29/2017, 16:02

Date published:

03/29/2017, 12:02