A New World of Open Access « ABA Blog

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-04-05


"Zea E-Books is the new online imprint (so to speak, I suppose) of the University of Nebraska Libraries. Thus far, the coyly named Zea has specialized in American Studies and natural history, a combination that should be right up most birders’ alleys.

Among the recent additions to the Zea catalogue are seven titles by Paul Johnsgard, representing almost 10% of this prolific author and ornithologist’s bibliography:

Birding Nebraska’s Central Platte Valley and Rainwater Basin

Swans: Their Biology and Natural History

The North American Grouse: Biology and Behavior"



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


Date tagged:

04/05/2017, 21:32

Date published:

04/05/2017, 17:32