Turning on the Rights in the Duke Digital Repository - Bitstreams: The Digital Collections Blog

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-07-06


"Our focus in this area now shifts toward applying these newly available rights statuses to our existing digital objects in the repository, while ensuring that new ingests/deposits get assessed and assigned appropriate values. We’ll also have opportunities to refine where and how the statuses get displayed. We stand to learn a lot from our peer organizations implementing their own rights management strategies, and from our visitors as they use this new feature on our site. There’s a lot of work ahead, but we’re thrilled to have reached this noteworthy milestone."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


oa.hei oa.libre oa.repositories

Date tagged:

07/06/2017, 23:11

Date published:

07/06/2017, 19:11