Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) Releases "Open 101" Tip Sheets for Research Stakeholders — Open Research Funders Group

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-09-12


The Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) is pleased to make available a suite of resources designed to help specific audiences understand the benefits of open science. Comprised of a mix-and-match set of tip sheets designed for grantees, program officers and staff, and foundation leadership, the materials can help research funders build effective campaigns for the adoption of open policies. The materials are concise, easily adaptable, and written in plain language for non-expert audiences. The ORFG hopes these “Open 101 Tip Sheets” will assist funders seeking to make the case for open across a range of stakeholders.


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Date tagged:

09/12/2018, 14:56

Date published:

09/12/2018, 10:56