My landlord asked me to declaw the baby. I’m losing it lol

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-07-18

My landlord asked me to declaw the baby. I’m losing it lol

Do people not understand the cruelty? I’m not understanding. Not only would I never ask my vet to declaw him (isn’t it illegal now?) I wouldn’t even go to a vet that offers declawing.

Then my friend stayed with me for a few days, and she’s never been within 20 feet of a furry animal. So she was terrified of my little Ooshy. Then she kept suggesting I cut his whiskers because they’re “too long”.

Then my family members told me not to neuter him because it goes against Gods will and mutilates His creation.

Ooshy has had an interesting week. We’re not declawing, his whiskers are perfect, and neutering is scheduled for September

submitted by /u/kamrydraws to r/cats [link] [comments]