WAGES! How much do you make?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2021-10-26

So, they don't want us talking wages, huh? Fuck em.

Gonna post a bunch of professions/fields in the comments. Reply with: - experience - wages - position within that field (if field) - country (not all of us are from the States) and/or state

If your profession isn't listed, make your own comment and follow the above structure. Also, please read the entire thread before posting a profession so we don't have several of the same.

Let's make them sweat a bit, shall we?

Try to refrain from discussion too much, so the purpose of the post isn't lost amongst the noise.

Edit: kid woke up, so I won't be able to add more for a while lol Edit 2: really glad to see so many respond to this!

submitted by /u/Viidrig to r/antiwork [link] [comments]