Altmetric – ein Werkzeug, um den Impact einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in Onlinemedien zu messen (Altmetric - a tool to gauge the impact of a scientific work on online media)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-12-04


From Google's English: 

"Which scientific papers are the most discussed in online media? Altmetrics, so-called alternative metrics, want to answer this question - promptly and as an alternative method to the traditionally recorded key figures such as the journal impact factor  or the h-index . The latter are key figures which result from the number of citations of a scientific publication and can only be stated with a time delay."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.german oa.germany oa.altmetrics oa.impact oa.social_media oa.twitter oa.jif oa.citations oa.metrics

Date tagged:

12/04/2018, 13:48

Date published:

12/04/2018, 08:48