EU-Gremien einig: Mehr offene Daten für Künstliche Intelligenz und Startups (EU committees agree: More open data for artificial intelligence and startups)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2019-01-28


From Google's English: 

"Public sector data and taxpayer-funded scientific information will be made more accessible and more usable through machine-readable formats. Negotiators of the EU Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the Commission have agreed on a reform of the so-called PSI Directive on Open Data and Public Sector Information."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.german oa.germany oa.access oa.psi oa.formats oa.infrastructure oa.geo

Date tagged:

01/28/2019, 09:01

Date published:

01/28/2019, 04:01