Open access publishing – Beyond Plan S for the Global South

Kirstine's bookmarks 2019-05-15


Announced last year, Plan S is an initiative by a group of (mainly European) funders known as cOAlition S. They have committed to ensuring all scientific publications arising from research they fund are published in compliant open access journals or on compliant open access platforms from 2020. To succeed, Plan S will need other countries to commit to the initiative. To this end, Plan S architect Robert-Jan Smits spent considerable time last year lobbying funders around the world. But should countries in the Global South sign up? 


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.plan_s oa.funders oa.south oa.platforms oa.standards oa.repositories oa.fees oa.hybrid oa.negative oa.boycotts oa.business_models oa.agreements oa.economics_of oa.negotiations

Date tagged:

05/15/2019, 06:52

Date published:

05/15/2019, 02:52