Le Matin - Les ressources éducatives libres pour une éducation de qualité et pour tous

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-30


Google English: "Open educational resources for quality education and for all.

Eco-Employment: Université Cadi Ayyad organizes the second Journées sur l’éducation ouverte et le numérique [Open Education Days]. Tell us about this event and its added value?

Khalid Berrada: The second JEO becomes an annual meeting of Moroccan universities with their European counterparts who meet to discuss the topic of digital technology, the production of free educational resources, free educational practices and more and in a general way, open education. Many points are discussed, namely: 1. Raising the awareness of training stakeholders on the need to monitor changes in educational systems through the development of communication technologies and information...."



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Date tagged:

01/30/2018, 18:56

Date published:

01/30/2018, 14:18