Springer Nature open access at the American Physical Society March 2018 meeting - SpringerOpen blog

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-03-01


"From the launch of Communications Physics (just published its first articles!) to our range of journals like Nanoscale Research Letters, Applied Network Science, npj Quantum Information, and to our open access books, Springer Nature’s open access program will be on full display (in booth 917) at the American Physical Society March Meeting, March 5-8, 2018, Los Angeles. You can see all about Springer Nature’s plans for APS here: https://www.springernature.com/gp/researchers/campaigns/aps

While we’re especially celebrating Communications Physics’ launch, there will also be opportunities to learn about all of our open access offerings in physics. There’ll be a Springer Nature-wide Meet the Editors reception on March 6th, 5:30-7:30 PM at the Ritz-Carlton—more details are here. And the current schedule of which Editors will be at our booth when is here."



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Date tagged:

03/01/2018, 15:33

Date published:

03/01/2018, 10:34