microPublication Biology | Newsletter, May 2018

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-05-14


"Welcome to the first issue of the microPublication Newsletter. If you are receiving this, you’ve previously voiced interest in the microPublication project. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at the link below. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends and colleagues!

microPublication Biology - our MISSION

microPublication Biology is a new paradigm in scholarly communication. Our mission is to make all results from publicly funded research available to the public. With microPublication Biology , researchers can directly submit, have peer reviewed, and publish individual experimental results. While we seek all data, we have a particular interest in those data that are high quality but remain traditionally unpublished. We feel that unpublished data, for whatever reason it has languished, is equal in importance with data that is published and should be included in the corpus of publicly funded research findings. In addition to new findings or methods, findings in  microPublication Biology can also be negative results, reproduced results, or results that are not perceived as being sufficiently novel and are cut from manuscripts to save space.

Importantly, unlike other journal platforms, information from each  microPublication is directly incorporated into community databases (e.g., WormBase.org) through the use of author populated user-friendly web forms that rely on controlled vocabularies, when available – thus advancing the goal of making the content of each  microPublication computable...."



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Date tagged:

05/14/2018, 16:06

Date published:

05/14/2018, 12:07