More follow-up on the _Machine Learning_ resignations | Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter | October 26, 2001

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-02


"...Tom Kirk, Head Librarian at Earlham College, wrote with another specimen for the collection of editorial resignations. In 1998 most of the editorial board of the _Journal of Academic Librarianship_ resigned to protest the large hike in the subscription price imposed by Pergamon-Elsevier after it bought the journal from JAI Press. Several of the editors who resigned then created _Portal: Libraries and the Academy_ at Johns Hopkins University Press. In the first issue of _Portal_ Gloriana St. Clair published a statement explaining why she and her co-founders thought it necessary to create an affordable competitor to JAL. Unfortunately, like other Portal articles, her statement is part of Project MUSE and not available online for free. I've written to _Portal_ for more details and may have them to report in the next issue...."


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Date tagged:

08/02/2018, 10:06

Date published:

08/02/2018, 06:06