Introduction | Welcome to Mozilla Science Lab's Open Data Primers!

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-11


"You're reading an online handbook of Open Data Training Primers developed by the Mozilla Science Lab and their community members.

How to Use this Handbook and What to Expect

These primers are designed for you to read at your own pace and pick and choose the topics you want to read concerning open data. We would sincerely appreciate your feedback. If you have experience to share, see below under "Help us grow and improve this book!". Here's what's in the book: In the first section, we'll define open data and discuss it's value, successes and challenges. In Section 2, we'll walk through what's needed to make your data open and usable by others. In Section 3, we'll talk about where and how to share your data, of if you even should. In Section 4, we'll provide tips on how to find data that has been made available by others. Finally, in Section 5, we'll discuss what you need to know and do to reuse other people's data....

You can join our Chat room on Gitter mozillascience/open-data-training, a web-based chat client that's associated with the Open Data Training repository. Sign-up using your GitHub ID to join! The Gitter chatroom is open 24 hours a day, and it's a great place to ask questions, share news and ideas, and just hang out with other folks interested in open data. (If you've never used GitHub before, that's OK! You can learn all about it in Section 3 of our Study Group Orientation!)

We hold regular Community Calls to share and discuss new resources, materials and ideas for open science, and to network and connect! Check our Events page for details about the next call...."



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Date tagged:

08/11/2018, 12:26

Date published:

08/11/2018, 08:27