OER at Kirkwood: Survey results & Looking ahead | LibBLOG | Kirkwood Community College, US

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-23


"...OER (open educational resources) have been gaining more and more interest and use over the past several years. These open licensed and free-to-use information resources are high quality supplements or replacements for traditional textbooks, and many faculty at Kirkwood are already using them as their required course textbooks. We at Library Services have been supporting faculty identification and adoption of OER for several years now, and this last spring we surveyed our faculty to learn more about their use of and interest in OER. Here’s what we found out: At Kirkwood, there is currently more interest in OER than actual adoption: Out of 133 faculty respondents, 4 (3%) indicated that they have already adopted OER for one or more of their courses, and 61 (46%) indicated they are interested in adopting OER as a full or partial replacement for their class textbook. The other half of respondents were either not interested in OER (21%) or not familiar with OER (30%)...."



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Date tagged:

08/23/2018, 11:14

Date published:

08/23/2018, 07:14