Differentiating Between Open Access and Open Educational Resources

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-06-27


Differentiating between open access and open educational resources can be a challenge in some contexts. Excellent resources such as "How Open Is It?: A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals" (CC BY) https://sparcopen.org/our-work/howopenisit created by SPARC, PLOS, and OASPA greatly aid us in understanding the relative openness of journals. However, visual resources to conceptually differentiate open educational resources (OER) from resources disseminated using an open access approach do not currently exist. Until now. This one page introductory guide differentiates OER and OA materials on the basis of purpose (teaching vs. research), method of access (analog and digital), and in terms of the relative freedoms offered by different levels of Creative Commons licenses, the most common open license. Many other open licenses, including open software licenses also exist.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks


oa.new oa.oer oa.content oa.licensing oa.textbooks oa.books oa.libre oa.comparisons

Date tagged:

06/27/2020, 12:00

Date published:

06/27/2020, 08:00