Using PubPub for scholarly output: Import, Collaboration, Citations, and Zotero | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-07-17


Here at COPIM, we are more and more getting into the groove of using PubPub for all sorts of purposes, and the team is developing a growing body of reports around the variety of workshops that have already taken place.

Next to these concise overviews, COPIM’s Work Packages are now engaging in using PubPub for writing more long-form research reports. In that context, while referencing other scholarly works is established best practice in all fields of academia, the actual juggling of footnotes, citations and references can be an art form in itself.

With that particular perspective in mind, I wanted to share our experiences using PubPub as a platform to create scholarly output that includes citations, reference lists, and footnotes in conjunction with Zotero, an open source reference management tool.

The following segments will be dealing with issues that came up during our early stages in working with PubPub, including questions around

  • importing pre-existing research documents,

  • dealing with in-text citations from those imported documents,

  • using reference management tools such as Zotero in conjunction with PubPub,

  • collaborating with colleagues, and keeping track of changes


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.citations oa.pubpub oa.pids oa.zotero oa.books oa.platforms oa.infrastructure oa.floss oa.collaboration oa.academic_led oa.publishing oa.recommendations

Date tagged:

07/17/2020, 08:01

Date published:

07/17/2020, 04:01