Mining and analysing invoice data from Elsevier relative to hybrid open access | SUB Goettingen, Scholarly Communication Analytics blog

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-19


 Jahn, "Scholarly Communication Analytics: Mining and analysing invoice data from Elsevier relative to hybrid open access", Scholarly Communication Analytics Blog, 2019

Publishers rarely make publication fee spending for hybrid journals transparent. Elsevier is a remarkable exception, as the publisher provides open and machine-readable data relative to its central invoicing with funding bodies and fee waivers at the article level. This blogpost illustrates how to mine Elsevier full-texts for these data with the data science tool R and presents new insights by analysing the resulting dataset: of 70,657 articles published open access in 1,753 hybrid journals from 2015 to date, around one third of the publication fees were paid through central agreements. Nevertheless, the majority of funding sources for hybrid open access remains unclear.


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Tags: oa.metadata oa.elsevier oa.fees oa.hybrid oa.economics_of oa.mining oa.monitoring

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10/19/2020, 18:05

Date published:

10/19/2020, 14:05