Important E-Book News for GW Faculty and Students: Wiley no longer offers electronic versions of 1,379 e-book titles | GW Libraries

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2022-09-26


For several years, the Washington Research Libraries Consortium (WRLC) has provided access to a large, multi-disciplinary collection of e-books from a variety of publishers. This collection receives high usage and includes titles used in courses at GW. 

At the start of the 2022 Fall semester the vendor of this e-book package, at the behest of the Wiley publishing company, removed 1,379 Wiley titles from the collection, thereby shutting off access for GW and the rest of the WRLC community.

Wiley will no longer offer electronic versions of these titles in the academic library market for license or purchase. To gain access to these titles, students will have to purchase access from vendors that license electronic textbooks directly to students, such as VitalSource, or purchase print copies. At most, GW Libraries can acquire physical copies for course reserve, which severely reduces the previous level of access for all students in a course.



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Date tagged:

09/26/2022, 04:36

Date published:

09/26/2022, 00:36