Enhancing the contemporary human and water isotope reference database for the Netherlands: New insights from Sr-O-C-N-H isotope data

database[Title] 2024-04-25


The determination of an individual's geographic origin is an essential aspect of forensic investigations. When primary identifiers cannot be used to make a positive identification, isotope analysis can be utilized to provide new leads. Modern reference data are essential for accurate interpretation of human isotopic data in terms of diet and origin. This article presents Sr-O-C-N-H isotope data of modern individuals (hair, dental enamel, and dentine collagen) and drinking water from the...



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Saskia T M Ammer, Nathan Routhledge, Gareth R Davies, Arian C van Asten, Suzan J A Verdegaal-Warmerdam, Lisette M Kootker

Date tagged:

04/25/2024, 02:24

Date published:

04/22/2024, 06:00